Welcome to Our World

WeCAN employs the scientifically supported practice of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as the clinical foundation for all our treatment.

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis is the science of Human Behavior that explains how learning takes place.

ABA is widely recognized as an effective form of intervention for individuals affected by autism. It is endorsed across the U.S. as an intervention that is aimed at helping people with autism live more fulfilling lives. ABA is aimed at teaching developing socially significant skills to overcome the core deficits in the areas of communication, social interactions and acquiring life skills.

How does ABA help individuals with autism?

How it works -

Target skills are broken down into small achievable units and worked on in a chain until total mastery is achieved. Changes in programs and goals are backed by continuous tracking of data and achievement of mastery criteria.

Core Focus -

 The focus is on certain skills that may be lacking in individuals with autism such as Joint attention, Communication, imitation and reading, writing, conversing and being able to develop self-help skills.

About Our Curriculum


Verbal Behavior Program

For some of the very early learners an introductory Verbal Behavior Program is devised to help them acquire communication and language and play skills, creating a strong foundation for further learning.